

Designed by: Yiwen Wang   Group: iGEM21_IvyMaker-China   (2021-09-15)

reporter yeGFP

717bp reporter Enhanced green fluorescent protein produces bioluminescence in the green zone of the noticeable spectrum. Green Fluorescent Protein is a useful and ubiquitous instrument for producing chimeric proteins, where it functions as a fluorescent protein tag.71 We optimized the codon sequence of yeGFP to characterize the strength of promoters The amino acid sequences are presented below: 1 MSKGEELFTG VVPILVELDG 21 DVNGHKFSVS GEGEGDATYG 41 KLTLKFICTT GKLPVPWPTL 61 VTTFGYGVQC FARYPDHMKQ 81 HDFFKSAMPE GYVQERTIFF 101 KDDGNYKTRA EVKFEGDTLV 121 NRIELKGIDF KEDGNILGHK 141 LEYNYNSHNV YIMADKQKNG 161 IKVNFKIRHN IEDGSVQLAD 181 HYQQNTPIGD GPVLLPDNHY 201 LSTQSALSKD PNEKRDHMVL 221 LEFVTAAGIT HGMDELYK

Improvement: IvyMaker-China 2022 iGEM Team

Characterization- [Contribution]

Last year, we made improvements on existed part reporter GFP(BBa_K3402050). so that it will be more suitable to express in our host Candida Tropicalis, which becomes our last year’s part yeGFP:BBa_K3829002.

This year we have added more relevant data. We used GFP as a marker of successful construction of spycatcher and spytag syetem, which greatly facilitated our experiments.

Fig.1 Fig.4 The immunofluorescence of GFP.

Left, bright field; Middle, GFP fluorescence

Sequence and Features BBa_K3829002 SequenceAndFeatures
